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Package to process arcjet videos and segment the edge of the shock and of the sample.

arcjetCV Functionality



The installation of the arcjetCV GUI and python package require a valid Miniconda or Anaconda installation.

Unix Users

The software can be installed by running:

conda create --name arcjetcv conda-forge::arcjetcv

Note for macOS Users:

Please ensure you use the osx-64 channel from Conda Forge when installing arcjetCV. Currently, arcjetCV is not available on the osx-arm64 channel.

Windows Users and Developers

For local development of arcjetCV and for Windows users, these are the recommended installation steps:

git clone
cd arcjetCV
conda env create -f env/arcjetCV_env_[cpu/gpu].yml
conda activate arcjetCV
python -m pip install -e . 

The -e flag stands for ‘editable’ and it means that any change to the local source code will have immediate effect on the arcjetCV python package and GUI.

How to Run

You can now launch the GUI by running:

conda activate arcjetCV

or you can import arcjetCV’s python API inside a python script, e.g.

import arcjetCV as arcv
video = arcv.Video("tests/arcjet_test.mp4")

and then run it as:

conda activate arcjetCV


If you use arcjetCV in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry to cite our paper:

  title={arcjetCV: an open-source software to analyze material ablation},
  author={Quintart, Alexandre and Haw, Magnus and Semeraro, Federico},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11492},