
The graphical user interface of arcjetCV is divided into two parts: the “Extract Edges” processing tab and the “Analysis” post-processing tab. These tabs are responsible for processing the video and post-processing the extracted edges, respectively.


The process involves several steps:

  1. Load Video

    Click on the “Load Video” button on the top right of the right panel and locate a suitable file. Supported file types are .mp4, .avi, .mov, and .m4v. It is recommended to process larger files (greater than 500 MB) on a powerful machine with a suitable GPU.

  2. Review Processing Parameters

    After loading the video, arcjetCV will estimate values for the start/end frame indices, flow direction, and region of interest (ROI). Adjust these as necessary.

    • Set Flow Direction

      Choose the flow direction to determine which side of the material sample is the leading edge (LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN).

    • Set Start/End Frames

      Define the starting and ending frames in the “Output Parameters” section. These frames are indicated by vertical green lines on the intensity bar plot.

    • Setting the Region of Interest (ROI)

      The ROI is represented as a white rectangle and should be applicable for both the start and end frames. The minimum area for the ROI should be at least 40 pixels by 40 pixels.

  3. Select Edge Filter

    Choose from one of the four filter modes: AutoHSV, CNN, HSV, Gray. The chosen filter will be applied to the current video frame displayed on the left side of the window.

  4. Test Filter Performance

    Evaluate the filter’s performance at various points throughout the video.

  5. Process Frames

    Select a frame range for processing and click the “Process All” button. This will generate an output file with the edge data and a meta file with the processing settings.

  6. Process in Several Steps

    If needed, the video can be processed in multiple steps using different filters.

Edge Filters

ArcjetCV provides several edge filter options:

  • AutoHSV

    Utilizes a pre-defined union of multiple HSV ranges to find contours.

  • CNN

    Employs a convolutional neural network trained on various frames.

  • HSV

    Finds contours within manually specified HSV ranges.

  • Gray

    Detects objects based on the grayscale of the frame.


The Analyze tab contains tools for visualizing and fitting the processed edge data. The primary functions include loading, plotting, fitting edge data, and exporting post-processed data.

  1. Load Processed Edges

    Load the processed data files created in the processing tab.

  2. Plot Data

    Use the “Plot Data” button to visualize the edge data in the top two plotting windows.

  3. Input Units/Scale

    The data in the top right plot is scaled based on the input parameters specified in the “Plotting Parameters” sub-tab.

  4. Fit Data

    Once data is plotted, you can apply fitting functions by setting several parameters in the “Fitting Parameters” sub-tab.

  5. Export

    Export the plotted and fitted data to CSV using the “Export CSV/Plots” button.